Article on the language of Twitter - notes/analysis!r0WA8
The large image of the bird at the top of the article connotates
the theme of birds within twitter as being a site that posts “tweets” which are
short and snappy, like a bird chirping. The bird is representing the theme of Twitter.
This article was posted on 15 Sep '12, since it is now
2014 this article will be slightly out of date, therefore any information may
not be relevant and there may be different features within Twitter which are
not explained.
This article discusses the pain of
users as they try to struggle to fit an intelligent tweet in the 140 character
limit. This point links to the use of twitter as the purpose for phatic
communication. Small talk can normally be interpersonal and users can then
agree with the comments by clicking “favourite” or “retweet” to their twitter.
Users can also follow each other and this normally happens with fans following celebrities,
or people with common interests following each other. This is not discussed
within the article but this is the purpose of the short 140 character limit so
users can quickly read and agree with comments people post.
This article has a lot of acronyms
definitions which describe what they mean. I disagree with the “Savvy acronyms”
or “super-sophisticated savvy acronyms” as
I have a twitter account myself I have never seen some of these acronyms such
as” ICYMI”
which means in case you missed it or acronyms such as “OH” which means overheard.
However, I agree with the “Beginners lingo” as there are features of
twitter such as the hash tag which is represented as the symbol # and also
retweet which is the acronym RT and also direct message is used as DM. These
shortened down names or acronyms of the features of twitter are very useful and
popular within users. They can be helpful as most people will understand what
they mean and they are common features so many people will use them in a tweet
such as, “ I will send you my postcode on DM ”. This is helpful for users to get
there point across within the limit of 140 characters.
This article on Twitter language does not include any purposes of the
language such as to share news and how people use language to form social
network groups and aim tweets at a certain audience. They also have not posted anything
about how the features of twitter such as hash tag are useful. For example the
has hash tag can be used to filter tweets for specific words such as “One
Direction” so that twitter users can find current trends and also people who
tweet about similar interests.