Monday, 23 June 2014

Transcribed text and analysis

Why women shouldn’t vote:
j: its your friend james the preacher here(3) why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote(2) well number one(1) it would just get them angry(1)  these feminists need to be outraged by mennn(1) these women are out of control ()out of their place(1) there are some god holy women im not talking about them(1) im talking about the rest () ninty nine percent () the other (1) rebellious (1) loudmouth (1) outspoken (1) they urh think theyre in control (1) they think their equal with a man *sniff* (2) gods place is for a woman (1) urgh (1) to be in submission(1) *chuckles* (1) but the point of number one is (2) urgh (1) its worth to tell a woman not to vote just to see them go *shocked face* (4) and you know if they do that long enough (1) urgh i told a female a couple of times (1) you know their mouth was open *shocked face* ughh if you do that ‘nother fourty five seconds youll break the worlds longest record for being quiet *laughs*  (1) called the new york times() halleluya (1)

Analysis of transcribed text
Analysis of YouTube video - Why women shouldn’t vote

The first line James states, “It’s your friend James the Preacher here”. The use of the common noun “friend” makes him seem friendly and as if other people support him and what he preaches. However, as the title is “why women shouldn’t vote” this is clearly sexist and his general attitude towards women clearly shows he thinks men have a higher role in society and that women should not be allowed to same privileges. He refers to women as “feminists” and this is untrue as not all women are feminists but in general in society women would like to be equal to men. Previously women were seen as the one in the partnership that will stay at home, look after the children but he refers to them as “submission” and this is just degrading for all women. This is very outdated and referring to women as “submission” suggests they are weak unlike men who are powerful.  Now in this generation there are the same jobs for women as there are men and there are men that stay at home with their children when their partner may be working, this shows the stereotype of women and men roles are clearly outdated but James still has a stereotypical view of the genders in society. The use of the triadic structure of the three words, “rebellious, loudmouth, outspoken” emphasises his opinion on women in a negative way and there is a short one second pause between each shows he is certain and not thinking on the spot. This clear negative view of women is degrading as he assigns characteristics that maybe only some women have but there are several men that may act in that certain way too. The stereotype of women never being quiet is also mentioned as he jokes about them breaking the world record for being quiet if they do a shocked face from being told they are not allowed to vote.  He pauses for four seconds and does a shocked face for the camera and this is just insulting as he is trying to make a joke out of women. It is a very degrading video for women to watch and I am sure that the majority of women viewers would not refer to James as a “friend”, more of a prejudice man who lacks knowledge on today’s society of genders. His opinion is very strong but also unreasonable and he tries to make jocks and chuckles during the video, which may be entertaining for some male viewers who may have the same, outdated opinion.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Policing Pledging Analysis (Power)

Policing Pledging Analysis:
This extract is a leaflet of the Policing Pledge which shows a set of promises the police has when providing a service to the community. It is very formal and written to inform the public of the promises they offer to solve crime, in order of making the community a safer place for residents.

The lexical choice of the repetition of modal verbs such as “we will” “we aim” displays the willingness of cooperation from the police.  “We will” also shows certainty and this shows that the police could be seen as powerful as they can be depended on to make sure citizens are protected from harm.  The choice of personal pronouns such as “you know” “if you need us” shows they are appealing to the whole public, but as individuals. This could suggest that the police are purposely being fair to show they respect every individual equally.

There is no use of gender prejudice such as women needing more help or stereotypical scenarios that may occur, written in the pledge. This shows they are being equal and also they do not use lexical language such as “policeman” as they may sound as if males are more dominant. Therefore appealing to everyone as ” you”  and the police force as “we” shows no discrimination and everyone has equal opportunity and power within society. 

There is power within discourse as the police are giving the public the responsibility of reporting the crime that occurs in the neighbourhood so that appropriate action can be taken. There are multiple ways of contacting the police which shows the police are not placing any constraints and the citizens have flexibility in a favourite method of contact. This shows high accessibility as not only can you telephone the police as most people would do, there are also methods such as on the TV, website and kiosks and many people may be unaware of these methods. 

There is also power behind discourse as in society police are highly recognised as powerful and as a “hero” figure. This is due to them fighting crime and they are paid to provide a service, which is to protect the civilians. They have legal power of the neighbourhoods as they strictly abide by the law when solving crime.  

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

English Gender Differences Research

Language Gender Research
Peter Trudgill's Norwich Research 1972
Peter Trudgill's carried out research in the 1970s on the language change and social class and the differences between men and women.  The independent variables were the 5 social class that he studied.
Trudgill made a detailed study in which subjects were grouped by social class and sex. He invited them to speak in a variety of situations, before asking them to read a passage that contained words where the speaker might use one or other of two speech sounds. An example would be verbs ending in -ing, where Trudgill wanted to see whether the speaker dropped the final g and pronounced this as -in'.
His findings were:

In all social classes, the more careful the speech, the more likely people were to say walking rather than walkin'.
The proportion of walkin' type forms was higher in lower social classes.
The nonstandard -in' forms occurred much more often in men's speech than in women's, and this was true for all social classes.
When women were questioned about what they thought they were saying, they tended to say they used the standard -ing forms more often than they really did.
When men were questioned about what they thought they were saying, they tended to say they used the nonstandard -in' forms more often than they really did.

His findings shown that women were more likely to use the prestige pronunciation of words to speak a higher prestige above their social class, therefore trying to sound more intelligent.  On the other hands, men displayed men being less socially aspirational and appearing more secure in their social class. Therefore, this indicated women having higher social class aspirations than men. It also shows women spoke in a correct, better language than men which shows their language was more powerful than men’s as they use ‘better’ words.        
Robin Lakoff's research 1973
Robin believed womens speech can be distinguished in certain features. She wrote a book titles ‘The logic of politenesses in 1973. She devised the ‘politeness principle’ in 3 maxims
  1. Don’t impose
  2. Give options and
  3. Make your receiver feel good
Lakoff claimed that there were certain features of women’s language that gave the impression women are weaker and less certain than men are. There are 9 features that encourage the opinion of women to be weaker than male.

1-Women have a specific lexis, using words like ‘mauve’ not shared by men. However, men have their own discreet lexis as well, relating to cars, sports, computers etc
2-Women use ‘empty’ adjectives like ‘divine, cute, charming’. But men use ‘damn, jolly’
3-Women use intonation on declaratives and co-operative tag questions- ‘it’s a hot day, isn’t it?’ (Tannen) men hate tag questions as they feel they are being manipulated, and use them for assertion- ‘that was a clever thing to do, wasn’t it?’
4-Women use hedges which suggest uncertainty though the intention is to be polite eg ‘well, kind of, sort of, I wonder, I think…’ They are regarded as weak. Men use tentative forms as well- ‘like’ (Scouse) but they are not perceived as signs of weakness
5. Women use more intensifiers like ‘so’ as in ‘so you’. Men use more taboo language to intensify their language but that isn’t regarded as weak. Women may now use more taboo language so as not to seem weak to men. Men use the f-word as a modifier, women use it as an expletive
6. Women tend to use more correct grammar forms than men. Research suggests this is due to parental influence. Women are less likely to use covert prestige (aggressive- male) but do use overt prestige to gain social status (convergence/divergence). Women gain status by sounding correct.
7. Women use superpolite forms. They use modals, implicatures, mitigated directives, avoid off colour remarks by using euphemisms and use please and thank you. They use hyper correction. Men can break politeness rules and tell rude jokes without being told off.
8. Women are poor at telling jokes and often don’t understand them. Men need to tell jokes to raise their prestige with other men.
9. Women speak in italics (over emphasis) to show that what they are saying is important, as they feel they will be ignored otherwise.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Text B Analysis - Gender and Language Analysis

Text B is a romantic novel extract which has the purpose to entertain; the source is not displayed. The target audience would typically be older women aged 25+ who like to read romantic stories in the style of Mills and Boon.  This extract shows the stereotypical roles of gender, which are suggested as the man being a hero and masculine, and the woman being vulnerable. I will be explaining in more detail how the author has portrayed this through the use of English language features.

 Robin Lakoff, in 1975, published the book ‘Language and Woman's Place’. This book supports assumptions of the language women use and one of English language examples that are typically used are intensifiers. Within the extract the women says, “I’m very grateful.” This intensifier exaggerates the cliché role of the man being a heroic and saving the day by rescuing the woman from danger and in this case he rescued her from being stuck in the cobbled lane. This relates to the purpose of this text being a romance novel, this typical scene is ideal for the target audience of women aged 25+ who want to read romantic novels such as Mills and Boon.

The use of material, active verbs to describe the male actions such as “swept” “whisked” and “stepped” displayed the man as being active and powerful as he is doing all the action within the extract. This links to the stereotypical role of men being strong and capable of being independent. In contrast, the woman is shown as passive and weak as she has inactive verbs. For example, “lay” “struggled” “stared”. These verbs represent the women in this novel as being very weak and capable as she is not being active and she is staying still. Women are represented as inferior to the male gender, as they are represented as less capable within the extract. This could appeal to the target audience as women want to read a romantic novel where a woman needs protection from the cliché ‘knight in shining armour’.

The male gender is represented as attractive and desirable in this novel. This is shown through the use of adjectives to describe the man’s physical features within this extract are very desirable and attractive.  “Strong arms” and “chiselled mouth” appeal to the target audience as athletic and attractive and this is desirable for a typical fairy tale story, which women may want to read which has the perfect man as a hero. If the man was not described or if he was described as unattractive to the women in the novel then the story would not be as effective for the target audience, as they want to read a perfect story, as it is more romantic.
The lexical field of vulnerability such as “struggled” “slipped” and “unsteadily” suggests the women in the novel being weak and incapable of being independent. It also suggests the need of a hero or man to protect her as she is too feeble to do anything by herself without putting herself in danger. Therefore the gender of women is again represented as weak and the man is suggested as having a role as a hero.

In conclusion, the novel has a romantic sense of the attractive man saving the day by helping the women escape from being stuck in cobble. The man is described as very attractive and desirable which is appealing to the target audience of older women. The woman is described as weak through the use of words which show her being incapable. The active and inactive verbs also represent the roles carried out by both genders.



Friday, 14 March 2014

Mills & Boon style writing

Mills & Boon Style Writing

Gazing out the window, she was still unattended and lonely at the bar. She could sense someone staring at the back of her head, impatiently waiting for her to turn round. Turning her petite body, her eyes fixed on cool, piercing blue eyes. He swiftly approached her with a confident smile. She was captivated by his good looks and charming smile, which almost took her breathe away. “Hello” she timidly said. She felt a warm feeling of safety as the man sat next to her and his strong arms wrapped around her delicate waist. “Allow me to buy you a drink” he demanded. She blushed and shyly accepted. She admired his attractive face and husky voice as he ordered a pint and a vodka cranberry. Passing her vodka cranberry over, she gracefully flipped her hair and nervously glanced back at him. She was mesmerised with questions running through her mind, wondering why such a good looking man would approach her. She felt lucky to be accompanied with such a tremendous, fetching man.

Comments: This was my first attempt at writing an extract of a romantic novel in the style of Mills & Boon. I have carefully selected words that make the man seem strong and powerful, and the woman to seem delicate and vulnerable.

For example, the man has very active material verbs such as “swiftly approached” and “wrapped around her”. These actions make the man seem powerful and in control of the situation, making the woman appears vulnerable.

While the woman has very mental processes and not active verbs, this shows her as not doing actions, just thinking and this shows her as emotional and not powerful.  For example “gazing” and “admired”. I have also included a relational verb which shows the affect he man has on her which includes “she blushed”.  This shows her state of being is being controlled by the man and this portrays the affect he has on her.

He is also the one that initiates the interaction, by approaching her. As she was alone she is seen as an easy target and vulnerable. I have used words to describe her such as “delicate” and “petite”. This shows that she may be vulnerable as when something is petite and delicate; they are seen as being damaged easily. The man is seen as powerful as I have described him as having “strong arms” and “piercing blue eyes” and these are manly features which seem powerful.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Initial thoughts on language male/female gender roles

In society the majority of high paid jobs such as Politics are normally stereotypically seen as a male role. Politics is based on the use of carefully planned language, in order for people to agree with their decision making. Women are not seen as powerful in society, but the roles of powerful women has increased rapidly from many years ago. Men and women are not seen as equal in society and there are stereotypical activities which lead to these judgements. For example women are seen as stay at home mothers who clean after the house and children, whereas the father of the family goes to work and brings money for the family. Men are also seen as stereotypically use curse words more as they are surrounded by other males in areas such as pubs. They are also seen as more capable of being aggressive and cursing to sound intimidating. interesting article on linguistic features of the differences between the language between the gender roles. For example explains it explains how the feature of hedging and how indicate that speakers are not committed to what they say. It also contains facts on the total number of women and men that use 'hedging'.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Analysis of Influential Power

This is an example of influential magazine advert which advertises Loreal’s anti-aging and whitening day cream. This advert is aimed at mature women and the slogan “you’re worth it” shows it is clearly recognisable and women who are well known of the brand will be interested in the product. There are many persuasive features which encourage the target audience towards this product, which I will be discussing in more detail.

There are many examples of hard sell reasons for having the product which are very eye-catching to the target audience, which would be mature women that want to prevent aging. Uses of declarative sentences such as “visibly smoothens out wrinkles” “fights dullness”, show how useful this product is and shows why the customer needs it. The discourse structure of the explanation of the product shows how beneficial this product can be towards the correct target audience. Since it is in a magazine many women will read it and the fifteen signs of aging are clearly displayed with large graphology features such as large, glowing font which draws the reader’s attention. The discourse structure suggests the fifteen problems many women will suffer from such as “frown lines” and the power in this product suggest a solution for these problems, and suggests how vital it is for this product.

The use of specific lexis of the fifteen signs of aging which show negative lexical fields of aging such as “dryness” “laugh lines”, and these are effective as this advert is trying to appeal to the target audience and trying to find common problems their target customers may suffer from. These words work effectively with the discourse structure as previously mentioned, as these words are placed above the solution, therefore the power in this text shows how desirable this product is as the purpose is to stop the signs of aging.
This links to Norman Fairclough’s theory from his book Language and Power which explains the ability of text producers which would be the authors of this magazine advert, and how they can address audience as if they know them. This is called synthetic personalisation and this means that the authors can create an artificial relationship to make the individual that they have never met, seem like they know them. This is shown through the use of common problems, and this shows they are trying to show they also care about the target customers. 

The graphology is effective as it very eye-catching and the readers will be attracted to the image of the woman with perfect, ideal skin named ‘Araya A. Hargett’. Since this image takes up half the page it is very eye-catching. This skin is envious of many of the customers and this shows how this woman saying that the product ‘works as I do’ is very powerful as it is persuading the matured women who read the advert, to buy the product to look like her. This is very powerful as this is a visual feature which is effective at persuading the reader as they have a clear image of how this product may make their skin look like.
Overall, the discourse structure paired with the lexical choice of words and the graphology of how the image and words are placed are very effective. This instrumental advert persuades the target audience of older (mature) women to buy the product and having the 15 problems and then the solution below from the consequence of this cream is very effective.